shallow mount bollards
RSA is one of the world’s leading inventor and manufacturer of Department of State rated Shallow Mount Bollards. RSA’s products provide permanent perimeter protection for some of the world’s most iconic facilities – from the United Nations Headquarters in New York, US Embassies in various countries, corporate headquarters, airports, courthouses, and so forth.
RSA has designed a unique modular fixed bollard system for advanced perimeter protection. Providing K4 to K12 protection, this bollard system has an unmatched ease of installation that can be rapidly deployed.
Complete engineered bollard layout included in bollard pricing. No field welding or custom transition coupling pieces required. Why risk your project on unspecified groupings of “commodity” straight bollards with expensive site welding requiring weld inspection for each bollard? The RSA way works with sophisticated installation shop drawings that must be client signed off even before steel production.
Most sites include manholes, electrical vaults, variations in elevations, corners, etc. With RSA’s customized turnkey solutions, also signed off by our Engineers of Record every installation we undertake is guaranteed to be perfectly seated.
Also important to note is that although the DOS crash test only requires a 90 degree strike one cannot count on this in the field. A perimeter attack can come at any angle. Therefore calculated, structural horizontal members must be included in any design to thwart these events against your building. RSA is the only company in the world that custom designs each bollard pad with these issues in mind. Download our PDF brochures above and see the process for yourself.
All RSA/K&C shallow mount bollards have been field crash tested against a single bollard and have a 4.0’ clear opening between bollards.
Shallow Mount Bollards Videos
RSA/K&C Shallow and Surface Mount Bollards
RSA Protective Technologies has devised a unique modular fixed bollard system for advanced perimeter protection. These flexible, patent pending K4 to K12 Anti-Ram shallow-mount Foundation Bollard Pads provide unmatched ease of installation that can be rapidly deployed to most environments and site conditions. The Foundation Bollard Pad is the better way to provide K4 to K12 protection to all facilities focused on force protection.
Standard bollard installations require tedious excavation work with unwieldy forms and templates; they also require creating on-site rebar setups. Installation of the Foundation Bollard Pad System can result in significant savings in installation costs associated with standard bollards. The Foundation Bollard Pad can be installed at the rate of 1 foot per minute and is delivered as pre-fabricated units with integrated rebar caging to the site. All rebar is integral to the system as the segments can be as long as 50 feet, it requires only a 4 to 5 foot wide shallow (8.25 to 14 inches deep) trench, has no need for forms and uses 75% less concrete than standard bollards.
A significant cost of physical perimeter security systems is the installation itself. Using a modular, prefabricated system, RSA can cut installation costs up to 60%.
RSA/K&C Shallow Mount Bollards
for Barclays Center

RSA Awarded World's First Patent for Shallow Mount Bollards
or click on the image below.
Ultra Shallow Unit

Basic Design

The modular and prefabricated design of the Foundation Bollard Pad System provides maximum flexibility in meeting site conditions and unique configurations, RSA offers a variety of custom applications including straight runs, curves, rounds, 1/2 rounds and sloped units.

The pads are custom fabricated off-line at 3, 4 or 5 feet on center and delivered to the site ready for instant installation. All rebar is also integral to the system as segments can be as long as 50 feet. A unique feature of the Anti-Ram Foundation Bollard Pad is that it requires only an 8.25 to 14 inches deep trench to place a pre- fabricated bollard system for all DOS rated criteria.
field installation
Standard bollard installations require tedious excavation work with unwieldy forms and templates; they also require creating on-site rebar setups, Installation of the Foundation Bollard Pad System can result in significant savings in installation costs associated with standard bollards. The Foundation Bollard Pad can be installed at the rate of 1 foot per minute and is delivered as pre-fabricated units with integrated rebar caging to the site. All rebar is integral to the system as the segments can be as long as 50 feet, it requires only a 4 to 5 foot wide shallow (8.25 to 14 inches deep) trench, has no need for forms and uses 75% less concrete than standard bollards. A significant cost of physical perimeter security systems is the installation itself. using a modular, prefabricated system, RSA can cut installation costs up to 60%.
download our shallow mount bollards installtion brochures
Test Installation


corner units

To achieve ADA compliance for Wheel Chair Access, the RSA Foundation Bollard Pad system is fabricated integral with the apron of the ADA wheel chair access corner curb.
The base pads may be angled out to avoid any bollard being in the apron as well as utilizing two bollards per base pad if required.

The modular design of the Anti-Ram Foundation Pad allows the addition of existing and new street furniture and cityscape elements coupled to our 6 to 10 inch diameter anti-ram bollard stems.
The numerous creative perimeter protection options allowed by the Foundation Pad System not only complement and enhance building facades and surroundings but also belie the fact that the perimeter is impermeable to vehicular attack.
damage & repair

When a catastrophic strike against a bollard occurs the repair to the system is simple. The modular pad/bollard system has been designed to remove that single bollard, not affecting the pad as a whole. Simply cut out the damaged area to the cross pieces near the adjacent bollards and remove the damaged bollard base structure as shown.
Afterwards replace that part with an RSA supplied insert, Place the insert back into the trench and utilize the RSA supplied steel splicing elements to field fillet weld the insert to the existing structure, Afterward, fill the system with 3,000 p.s.i. concrete as in the original pour.
k4 testing

On November 15, 2004, the Department of State certified the Foundation Bollard Pad system at K4 (15,000 lb. vehicle at 30mph). The crash tests were held at the Pennsylvania Transportation Institute and the results were that the test vehicle ended up at a penetration of negative 9.5 feet. The single bollard that was struck bent forward 5.75 inches along the top. The system is rated as a three-bollard pad.
Again, on April 4, 2005, at the KARCO Crash Test Facility, a Foundation Bollard Pad sustained a K4 crash test rating. This particular 6.51′ test article uses a 5″ base trench with a 1 1/2″ concrete or stone paver covering, In this DOS certified K4 test, the 15,000 lb. vehicle hit the test article at 30 mph and rebounded a negative 58″.
- CERTIFICATION OF EXCEPTION LETTER FROM THE U.S. DEPT. OF STATE, K4 and K8 – RSA removable Pad Certification 01/12/2007
- CERTIFICATION LETTER FROM THE U.S. DEPT. OF DEFENSE, K12 – RSA receives K12 Rating 01/03/2007
- CERTIFICATION LETTER FROM THE U.S. DEPT. OF STATE, K8 – RSA Shallow Mount Foundation Bollard Pad receives a KB rating, 07/27/2007
- CERTIFICATION LETTER FROM THE U.S. DEPT. OF STATE, K8 – RSA Shallow Mount Foundation Bollard Pad receives a KB rating, 05/23/2005
- CERTIFICATION LETTER FROM THE U.S. DEPT. OF STATE, K4 – RSA Shallow Mount Foundation Bollard Pad passes another K4 test, 05/23/2005
- CRASH TEST REPORT FOR PERIMETER BARRIERS AND GATES tested to SD-STD-02.01, Revision A, March 2003/SD-STD-02-01 April 1985 – RSA’s Bollards (7.25 footing, 30″ height) passes K12 Test, 12/12/2006
- CRASH TEST REPORT FOR PERIMETER BARRIERS AND GATES tested to SD-STD-02.01, Revision A, March 2003 – RSA Foundation Bollard Pad (5″ footing) receives a K8 rating, 04/20/2005
- CRASH TEST REPORT FOR PERIMETER BARRIERS AND GATES tested to SD-STD-02.01, Revision A, March 2003 – RSA Foundation Bollard Pad (8″ footing) receives a K8 rating, 04/20/2005
- CRASH TEST REPORT FOR PERIMETER BARRIERS AND GATES tested to SD-STD-02.01, Revision A, March 2003 – RSA Bollard Pad passes K4 test, 04/04/2005
- PENNSYLVANIA TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE TEST REPORT – K4 Crash Testing of RSA/K&C Anti-Ram Foundation Bollard PadTM in accordance with the U.S. DOS Diplomatic Security SD-STD-02.01 Revision 1, 01/15/2005